Coverage in all 50 States
$50 BOC-3 Registration
Approved Provider by the U.S. Department of Transportation FMCSA
Contact, Scope of Service, Definitions
Contact & Questions:
Company: Trucker & Broker Services, Inc.
Phone: (800) 307-1831
Fax: (605) 316-8355
Email: brian@truckerandbrokerservices.com
BOC-3 Registration: The BOC-3 registration provides you with an Agent of Process in 50 US states as required by the FMCSA. The BOC-3 registration is required for all Motor Carrier, Broker and Freight Forwarder in accordance with the FMCSA Regulation 49 CFR Part 366. The filing to the FMCSA is permanent, unless you complete a legal name change or a reinstatement.
Scope of Service:
Every Motor Carrier, Broker and Freight Forwarder are required to have a BOC-3 registered with the FMCSA. To fulfill this requirement, you will need to designate an Agent of Process in all 50 states. This is an FMCSA requirement, and needs to be in place for your operating authority to be approved. Without the BOC-3 registration your USDOT# and MC# will be dismissed. Trucker & Broker Services, Inc. is an authorized by the FMCSA to register your BOC-3.The registration cost is a one-time fee of $50.00. Upon registration, the BOC-3 will immediately be e-filed to the FMCSA and you will be emailed the approved BOC-3 document for your records, per FMCSA Regulation 49 CFR Part 366.
Agent of Process: The designated agent that serves court or legal documents.
Service of Process: In the event a court or legal document needs to be served to a carrier or broker with a valid USDOT# or MC#, the following steps will take place by a designation agent of process.
Certified mail with signature requirement
Certified email, open tracking and monitored
BOC-3 Registration Process:
·Client completes the BOC-3 Registration order
·BOC-3 e-Filed to FMCSA, updates immediately
BOC-3 certificate emailed to client
You agree to fully indemnify, hold harmless and defend Trucker & Broker Services, Inc. and its directors, officers, employees, agents, stockholders and Affiliates from and against all claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, liabilities, losses, settlements, judgments, costs and expenses (including but not limited to reasonable attorney’s fees and costs), whether or not involving a third-party claim, which arise out of or relate to any act or omission of Trucker & Broker Services, Inc.